To create a Windows XP Live CD we will require:
1. Download pebuilder
2. Download Plugins: (the GUI shell).
3. Download other plugins.
4. Nero Building ROM or other CD Burning software
5. Bootable Xp CD
Now follow the step below:
1) Download Pebuilder and install it.
2) If you want to change the wallpaper that will appear on the desktop when you boot the CD. For this open the folder where you have installed PEbuilder and replace the file "bartpe.bmp" with the wallpaper of your choice.
3) Download the plugins: will create the Xp start button and taskbar. It is the GUI shell of the Xp live CD.
You are free to download as many plugins you want.
You can add more plugins if you want to add more functionality.
4) Open pebuilder. Specify the source path to the windows installation file. This should be your Windows Xp installation bootable CD, where the i386 folder resides.
5) Click Plugins and add the plugins you have downloaded. Since you have included, disable nu2shell and the startup group.
6) Specify the ISO image file and click Build.
7) After this is done, use any burning software to burn the image.
Source: Digit Magazine November 2007